Hey all! Tomorrow I will continue with another great featured shop! However today I would like to promote our new FaceBook FanPage for Horror Couture!
check it out here!:
It's a work in progress and we are slowly adding our shops to the albums. You will be able to see the shops, what's for sale, and when you "like" our page you can be entered to win more giveaways! We already are having one today, so be sure to get in on that fun stuff.
Here is our team page on etsy too where you can find all our members right now as well as shop. signing up for etsy is easy and free. Plus its guaranteed you will find some things you wont find anywhere else, and lets face it, its hard to be an individual when shopping at the production line made/ not sure if it's sweatshop/boring as Hell markets.
Hello, We are inviting you to join our fanpage at facebook Check it at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Efyohsikei/112490382203991
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